Mennonite Economic Development Associates


For over 60 years, MEDA has been designing and implementing inclusive market-driven programs around the world, enabling millions of disadvantaged women, men and children to realize their economic and social aspirations. Beginning with its investment in the Sarona Dairy in 1953 in Paraguay, MEDA has become a recognized leader in blended finance and impact investment. MEDA understands the critical role of SMEs in driving economic and social growth and innovation in Frontier and Emerging Markets, and realizes that investment capital is necessary for SMEs to flourish. Its unique position as an international economic development organization with strong investment roots and an early leader in market systems approaches and women’s economic empowerment enables MEDA to pioneer novel methodologies with a range of private and public sectors actors for inclusive and sustainable development impact.


Voting member: Lindsay Wallace

Member since 2017


Momentus Global


Nancy Hammond